Just follow the few simple steps below to ease your ordering process
You don’t need an account to shop with us but if you do, it will only take you a minute and once it is set-up, you will be able to:
If you know what you are looking for, starting shopping by clicking on the product category links.
Once you have seen something you like, click on the ”Add to Cart” button.
You may continue shopping until you are ready to complete your purchase.
You can then review your items by clicking on “Shopping Cart” located at the top right section of the screen.
If you are happy with the items in your “Shopping Cart”, click on “Checkout” to complete your order.
Enter your delivery and billing addresses. Please ensure that all fields are entered correctly.
Next, click on the “Continue Shipping Method” button to choose which shipping method you would like to use for delivery.
If you have a discount code, enter the code and click on the “Submit” button.
To complete your order, simply select your preferred payment method and click on “Process My Order” button.
Upon completion, you will be issued an order number and receive a confirmation email with an order summary.
We accept PAYMENT via PayPal.